Security Manager Available Actions

The system has a set of basic actions (such as Start and Edit a Return) that are automatically assigned to all user groups. (Basic actions are not listed under Available Actions).

The following is a list of additional Available Actions that can be assigned to a group.

Actions are only available to a user if the user is assigned to a security group with which the actions are associated.

Available Action

Information about Action

Access Security Manager

Permission to open and work in Security Manager. This action is typically reserved for individuals who perform administrator type duties in the organization.

Access Preparer/ERO Manager

Permission to open and input information on tax preparers in the Preparer/ERO Manager.

Access Accounts Receivable Tab

Permission to view the Accounts Receivable Tab of the Return Manager, which shows the client's billing status. If the user is not granted access to Accounts Receivable, corresponding columns within Return Manager will also be restricted.

Access Tax Warehouse Tab

Permission to view the Tax Warehouse Tab, which is a summary of tax information from a client's return. If the user is not granted access to Tax Warehouse, corresponding columns within Return Manager will also be restricted.

Marking Returns Complete

Permission to use the Complete column in Return Manager to mark a return Complete. A return may be marked complete based on your organization's return completion requirements.

Unmarking Returns Complete

Permission to remove the X from the Complete column in Return Manager.

Print Returns

Permission to print a whole return or pages of a return.

Access Billing Manager

Permission to open and work in the Billing Manager.

Access Client Communication Manager

Permission to open and work in the Client Communication Manager, which includes the Client Letter feature. See Standard Client Letters.

Create E-files

Permission to create an e-file from an open tax return.

Transmit E-files

Permission to transmit an e-file to the EFC.

Receive Acknowledgements

Permission to receive acknowledgements from the EFC. See Managing Acknowledgements (Acks).

Users who have permission to receive acknowledgements also have permission to sync with the EFC.

Delete E-files

Permission to delete a saved e-file.